Boxhead Zombie Warsclout Games

- Boxhead Zombie Warsclout Games To Play
- Boxhead Zombie Warsclout Games Multiplayer
- Boxhead Zombie Warsclout Games Unblocked
You're playing Boxhead the Rooms
Gameplay wise this game is very fun. Before you know it you have been playing it for over half an hour. This game has 4 primary levels to choose from. Once you pick the level yo uare in a sandbox type of environment where it is up to you to kill the zombies as you choose. You get alot of weapons to do this with. You will receive them as you're score goes up. You get everything from uzi's to shotguns, mines, and barrels. The barrels themselves add a whole new element to the game because you can use these to block off certain sections then once a crowd of zombies has surrounded it you can blow them up taking alot of zombies out.
Overall this is a very addicting and well put together game. It should be however the author has worked on many AAA titles such as Dungeon Keeper. The authors site is located here.
Arrow Keys to move
Space to shoot/throw
1-8 to select weapons
Objective Kill the zombies!
The latest Boxhead game comes with new graphics, new enemies (lots of them) and Zombie Wars brings a new feature to the series. Now you can construct your own base with turrets and barricades. Equipped with an awesome arsenal of weapons including the new minigun, placable turrets and airstrikes, it´s your job to help Jon Bambo stand up against. Fight an army of zombies using awesome new weapons. Boxhead The Zombie Wars. Join other players talking about games. Visit the Y8 Forum.
- Survival
Boxhead Zombie Warsclout Games To Play
Description and rules

Boxhead Zombie Warsclout Games Multiplayer

Boxhead Zombie Warsclout Games Unblocked
This great game repeats main concept of popular Boxhead 5 survival release. However, this time developers counted on improved graphic and cool design. Starting to play, you are choosing one of 6 characters, some of which remind popular movie heroes.
Feel like the only hero in the city invaded by zombies and monsters! While you are the only hope for the world, you don't have any right to give up! Fight till the end and become a winner!
This is a classic shooter with upgraded graphic design, lots of realistic images and creepy characters like zombies and monsters. Admirers of harsh fights like Boxhead will appreciate bloody visual effects and dynamic game speed.
Zombie Survival will keep you tensed and excited during all the time of gaming! It will keep all your attention and will give a great pleasure as only high-quality action game can!