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Gold Miner Unblockeddefinitely Not A Game Site

카테고리 없음

by agteltitarutur 2021. 4. 26. 20:16


May 3rd, 2016
Gold Miner Unblockeddefinitely Not A Game Site

Gold Miner Unblockeddefinitely Not A Game Site Game

Metal Slug is a fun shooting sides scroller game with endless enemies and hours of fun!

  1. All sorts of important things on this page. No unblocked games or anything like that though.
  2. Gold Miner - Classic Gold Miner is the newest mobile version classic gold rush game. Gold Miner - Classic Gold Miner is funny game with nearly 30 challenges at various gold mine in the world, not easy to complete level to make more gold. Tasks in Gold Miner - Classic Gold Miner game, you're a gold digger and your job to dig a lot of gold, diamonds (jewels). The monster mouse, dynamite, stones.
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  1. def Achievements():
  2. global a1d
  3. global a3d
  4. global a5d
  5. if totalmined >= 10000 and a2d True:
  6. a1.configure(text='[UNLOCKED] Mine a total of 10,000 Gold.',fg='green')
  7. if totalmined >= 100000 and a2d True:
  8. a2.configure(text='[UNLOCKED] Mine a total of 100,000 Gold.',fg='green')
  9. if totalmined >= 1000000 and a3d True:
  10. a3.configure(text='[UNLOCKED] Mine a total of 1,000,000 Gold.',fg='green')
  11. if totalmined >= 10000000 and a4d True:
  12. a4.configure(text='[UNLOCKED] Mine a total of 10,000,000 Gold.',fg='green')
  13. if totalmined >= 100000000 and a5d True:
  14. a5.configure(text='[UNLOCKED] Mine a total of 100,000,000 Gold.',fg='green')
  15. global goldvalue
  16. global gold
  17. gold += 20
  18. price *= 2
  19. goldlbl.configure(text='Gold mined per click increased by 20!',fg='green')
  20. totalgold.configure(text='Total Gold: ' + str(goldvalue))
  21. upvalue.configure(text='Upgrade Gold Value - ' + str(price) + ' Gold')
  22. goldv.configure(text='Total Gold Per Click: ' + str(gold))
  23. else:
  24. goldlbl.configure(text='NOT AFFORDABLE', fg='red')
  25. def addgold():
  26. global gold
  27. goldvalue += gold
  28. totalgoldmined.configure(text= 'Total Gold Mined: ' + str(totalmined))
  29. totalgold.configure(text='Total Gold: ' + str(goldvalue))
  30. def quitgame():
  31. gold = 1000 #Debug Uses
  32. totalmined = 0
  33. a1d = True
  34. a3d = True
  35. a5d = True
  36. window = tkinter.Tk()
  37. window.configure(bg='saddle brown')
  38. totalgold= tkinter.Label(text= 'Total Gold: ' + str(goldvalue), fg = 'gold', bg='saddle brown', font=('Arial',50))
  39. totalgoldmined = tkinter.Label(text= 'Total Gold Mined: ' + str(totalmined), bg='saddle brown',fg='gold',font=('Arial',25))
  40. label = tkinter.Label(text='Click the Mine button to start mining! How much can you mine?',bg='saddlebrown')
  41. mine = tkinter.Button(text='Mine', command=addgold)
  42. upvalue = tkinter.Button(text='Upgrade Gold Value - ' + str(price) + ' Gold', command=goldup)
  43. goldlbl = tkinter.Label(text=',bg='saddle brown')
  44. quitwindow = tkinter.Button(text='Quit Game', fg = 'red', command=quitgame)
  45. credit = tkinter.Label(text='By PixelHD', bg = 'saddle brown', font=('Arial',10))
  46. goldv = tkinter.Label(text='Total Gold Per Click: ' + str(gold), bg='saddle brown',font=('Arial',20),fg='gold')
  47. achievement = tkinter.Label(text='[ACHIVEMENTS]',fg='green',bg='saddle brown',font=('Arial',25))
  48. ignore1 = tkinter.Label(text=',bg='saddle brown')
  49. ignore2 = tkinter.Label(text=',bg='saddle brown')
  50. a1 = tkinter.Label(text='[LOCKED] Mine a total of 10,000 Gold.',fg='red',bg='saddle brown')
  51. a2 = tkinter.Label(text='[LOCKED] Mine a total of 100,000 Gold.',fg='red',bg='saddle brown')
  52. a3 = tkinter.Label(text='[LOCKED] Mine a total of 1,000,000 Gold.',fg='red',bg='saddle brown')
  53. a4 = tkinter.Label(text='[LOCKED] Mine a total of 10,000,000 Gold.',fg='red',bg='saddle brown')
  54. a5 = tkinter.Label(text='[LOCKED] Mine a total of 100,000,000 Gold.',fg='red',bg='saddle brown')
  55. totalgold.pack()
  56. goldv.pack()
  57. mine.pack()
  58. goldlbl.pack()
  59. achievement.pack()
  60. a1.pack()
  61. a3.pack()
  62. a5.pack()
  63. window.mainloop()


Description et instructions :

Gold Miner Unblockeddefinitely Not A Game Site Play

Today I present to all fans of games miners a exceptional game called Super Miner. It is a game full of colors made with three-dimensional graphics and is dedicated to seekers of gold and gems. To start the game the first mission in this great game is to choose the location where you want to drill then to meet the target level. For example in the first level your objective is to collect gold which sum up to $ 103. To collect gold you have to be very fast because time is limited (50 seconds). Click the buton START and then NEXT to start this online game. Use the mouse. Enjoy!

INSTRUCTIONS: Use the mouse and the keyboard

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